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she's too cute
(I titled a previous post Molli-Mommee without saying why. It's because Amelia has difficulty distinguising the two words, so most often Mommee means Molli.)

We went out to a bog in richmond and picked blueberries this morning! Amelia was taking them out of my bucket almost as fast as I was putting them in, but she only ever takes one at a time. In this picture, Amelia is demonstrating her skill at juggling; she holds two beanbags, (she can do it with berries too) over her head and wiggles her wrists.

helping Auntie Molli
Part of the reason I haven't been posting as much is that Molli's in town for the summer, and we've been a bit busier. This Is Amelia helping Molli with one of the two baby quilt she made in four days. *sigh*. Now she's bullied and cajoled me into starting the one that I bot for Amelia before she was born. That will be done soon. (not in four days though, there are lots of little squares to applique).

This is from last week. What qualifies for a good day is when, even if it's a bit cool, it's not raining and we can be outside on the patio, playing with a rock, or some dirt, or a little puddle of water, or just sitting beside Mom watching for crows and hearing your occasional yells of "DA, DA!!" echo off the houses, and then Sam comes! That's the best. Then you follow him while he tries to follow you, and his fluffy, flufffy tail tickles your face, and then he sniffs the grass so you sniff the grass. Ahh, a good day.
clockwise from top left: east over the Coast Mountains; southeast, some of Vancouver; south overlooking Vancouver; westsouthwest, over the harbour, into Geaorgia Straight to the Gulf Islands and Vancouver Island. My directions are very approximate, but those of you who are familar with these views will know how to interpret them, and those of you who haven't been will just have to come and see for yourself. It's days like today that I remember how lucky I am to be in such a perfect spot on the earth; mountains, rainforest and ocean. all on our doorstep. From my house, It was about 15 minutes to the base of grouse, then a 15 minute ride up the gondola to the top and then we were off on our hike. Wow

Goat Mountain
But it felt good to be hiking, and I thought; "Sure, I can do this!", so I kept going. It got even easier when, a bit past the trail head, my friend took Amelia (in her backpack) and I took the other backpack. Lance carried Amelia on the way down. This was my first real hike in over two years. I will be sore tomorrow, but it felt good today. I kept a reasonable pace-not too strenuous. the trail was very muddy in places, and very steep in places and coming down was dirty work. And Amelia did beautifully! About 4.5 hours overall in a backpack and never a complaint. she slept for a bit and for the rest of the hike she was chatting to my friend, or imitating her heavy breathing. I think she mostly chewed on her hand and her backpack on the way down (Lance just told me she was also chatty on the way down), she's still not got her right molars in, thought the left ones have been in for a long time.