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I don't know how apparent it is in this picture, but I was freaking out. Not so much at this moment, because Amelia was in mama-bear's reach, but when she started moving around. This is from last weekend. We went to visit a good friend and experience island life for a few days. He took us to see the lake that's close to his property, and the dock, well, it floats but wobbles. It kind of made me dizzy to stand on it and look around, so I sat down right away. And then I started getting nervous for Amelia. I know she was never in any more danger than getting a little wet, both our friend and Lance (and me) would've been able to grab herhad the need arose, but even more, there was always someone within inches watching her every move. So I don't know why I was so nervous other than maybe low blood sugar and mama instincts run rampant.We had a really lovely time on the island, went for nice walks, played on the beach, ate good food and had a good visit. both Lance and I took a day or so to re-adjust to city life.

Time for work
Usually when Amelia wakes up from her nap, she comes and finds me for a little cuddle. She also usually cries a bit as she makes her way. Not today, I heard the littlest noise, probably the mouse clicking, and came into see this.

This is the double-sided quilt I had intended to finish before Amelia was born, need I say more? Of course, it's still not done, but there's lots of time before Christmas right? The darker side is brushed cotton aqnd the lighter side is regular quilting cotton. When I bought the fabrics, I tried to be as gender-neutral as possible, but the light side looks very pink to me. ( an aside, as I type, Amelia is sitting on my hip resting her head on my shoulder.She just woke up.) The bottom left picture shows the light red for the borders, to tie the two sides together. And one more yogurt picture to fill in the collage. The finished quilt will be almost five feet square. (It'll be five feet long and just under five wide)(and there are 72 squares, 6 inches , 8rows x9 columns. no prime numbers Amanda! If I ever get better at quilting I'd love to incorporate mathematical patterns into quilts. Someday...

got yogurt?
Amelia's getting the cold that I've got, I think. Otherwise why was she awake from 1-5 am this morning, and nothing was really working for her? Watching tv worked for a while, and letting her have free reign of the house while I rapidly depleted our supply of tissues. This picture is from yesterday evening while I was trying to put a dinner together. It worked, she was happy for a while.