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Would you believe sick and sick & teething? We made it through the day, with the help of a great many tissues. Now it's Daddy's turn. For the next two days, I will be gone all day. I'm taking a doula training course! (A doula is a birth coach to help women (and their partners) through the whole labour and birth process).
Pineapple express-a tropical rain and wind storm. Very high water turbitity-boil water advisory. baby with a cold-plugged nose-wake up at 4:30.Same baby teething-top right tooth and the canines (again, and for real hopefully). Toddler with a cold-awake and ready for the day at 5:30. Spit-up (I thought we were over that). Diapers.And all the coffee shops are closed-see water turbidity:
Wish me well.
Posted before 9 am.
Why do people think that it's cute or funny to ask little girls with big brown eyes if they can take them home, or if their mom would notice if they took her little brother away with them? And then they have the audacity to expect that little girl to give them a polite goodbye or even a hug? I wish I could think of a good snide comment to make in these situations, but these people are frequently people that we see on a semi-occasional basis and on whose goodwill in their job we rely on. Argh.
This is where Mia fell asleep today. She's not been napping lately, and if she does fall asleep during the day she's awake longer at night, but I'm loathe to wake her up, she just sings and talks to herself at night, so it's not as if it makes any more work for us. The past few days have been dark and rainy, Vancouver & November rain, so I think that may make her a bit more sleepy ( don't we all get sleepy on those days?)
The above was a creation to imitate the below. Lance had this pie a few weeks ago and loved it so much he took a picture. I made sort of an egg-y crust, I found the recipe I want to try next time, but it calls for yeast and I couldn't find mine. I used gala apples (it's what we had) and I don't think they're very good for baking, they stayed crunchy. Still tasty , but not nice and mushy like theirs. But the topping, oh Yum! I toasted hazelnuts, cashews and almonds in the oven, took what skin off the hazelnuts I could and then added pumpkin seeds. I cooked some water, sugar and cornstarch together to make the glaze and mixed the nuts in. I love the way mine looks, I like the colour much better than theirs, and the toasted nuts are so yummy. Overall, a very good dessert, and it will only be better next time with the improvements to crust and apple variety.
On October 25, Burke finally got his first tooth! ( His bottom left, same as Amelia's first) A few days later the bottom right broke through. Our own little Jack-o-Lantern.Burke has been able to get up onto his knees and rock back and forth for quite some time now, and can get into the sitting position easily, but only in the past few days has he done any crawling, and that was only one 'crawl' at a time. This morning he managed5 or 6 in a row. He's very unsteady, but definately moving forward. I was reminded, watching him, that even crawling is a balancing act.Perhaps in response to this new phase in his life, I had a wierd incident last night. I would say dream, but I was very much awake.I woke up, looking for Burke. (We co-sleep and his bed is right between me and the wall.) I was throwing off his blankets, looking all around me, even looking on the floor to see if he had managed to get down there. I was really starting to get worried and woke up Lance to get his help. All the while there was a poor confused baby right at my lap (who just wanted to nurse, please!) I thought that was Amelia.I don't know what Lance must've been thinking as he pointed out that Burke was RIGHT THERE. But, I wondered, where was Amelia? Safe in her own bed. It was about then that my real brain kicked in and I settled down.the end