Wednesday, March 16, 2005


The thing that I loved about tutoring math was watching someone push through something that they really didn't understand and get that lightbulb 'aha' moment. Watching Amelia learn about the world around her is similar except it seems to me that the lightbulb is always on. Maybe once or twice a day she'll give a squawk of frustration, but then she'll try another tack and usually get whatever she was working on.

Right now, she is teaching herself to stack one block on top of another and everytime she gets it, she turns to me with a huge grin on her face, laughing and clapping. One of my sincerest wishes for her is that she'll always have this much fun learning and discovering. I know that it may not always be so intense, but, for example, I hope that when she's older she can approach subjects that are hard for her not with dread, but with excitement for the challenge and with the anticipation of those 'aha' moments.

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