
This is what greeted Lance this morning as he went to take his morning shower. Because she was on the curtain, she could, and did, move around. And in those few minutes while Lance and I poked our noses in and out of the bathroom door, she disappeared! Spider on the loose. we spent some time trying to see where she had gone, without actually going into the bathroom ourselves, then I gave up and went back to making breakfast. Lance was prepared at this point to forgo his morning shower (he'd had one last night). I was calmly cooking breakfast, Amelia playing in the kitchen with me, and assuming Lance was getting dressed, when I turn around and there he is with a huge spider in a glass by my face. I ran shreiking outside, (forgetting my determination not to pass on my weaknesses to Amelia) (although she didn't respond to my yells, maybe she thought we were playing?). I calmed down enough to take the the spider from him to deposit outside. Amelia was very interested in the "buzz-buzz" (her word for all insects, spiders, and bug-looking fluff).
Lance went off to finally take his shower, Amelia and I started breakfast. Next thing, there's Lance in his towel; there was another huge spider in the shower! Lance still had soap in his hair, he had just jumped out when he spotted it. How it avoided the first routing of the bathroom is a mystery.
So here we were, already in a weakened state, Lance with soap dripping into his eyes, with an even hairier spider to deal with. It was clinging on to the bottom of the shower curtain as Lance moved the curtain, or so I thought, so I shrieked prompting Lance to yell and we both ran away. This time I went in, gingerly moving the curtain and saw that it was not on the outer curtain as I had thought, but on the inner one, but it could still escape from that position! After a couple of tries, I managed to shake it loose into the tub and whip the curtain away from its' long hairy reach. So now it was just a matter of trapping him in a glass, but I couldn't do it. I tried, and even got a wider mouth jar, but could not get my arm close enough. Lance had recovered enough now to come back and trap it in the jar, and then I took him outside, showing a very interested Amelia again on my way.
Ah the joys of living in a basement suite, especially when there's a change in the weather (it's nice and cool today). Poor Lance though, that is really too much for one morning.
1 comment:
Ugh, spiders. I'm impressed that you could take such a good photo of it. It looks like the fast-moving ones we have in Arizona. Max loves to investigate the spiders after they're in the "spider cup" (a clear plastic cup). He likes to tap it and watch them run around inside, up the side, oops, did that one just get out? Like you, I try to encourage his natural curiosity and not make him think that harmless spiders are something to be feared, but MY GOD if a spider is running free at my feet in the kitchen, then there's going to be yelling.
Poor Lance, I hope he's recovered.
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