I had a perfect Rockwellian or Dickensian moment last night. I put up the tree after Amelia went to bed and was just putting the last ornaments on as she woke up. She started down the stairs backwards, complaining a bit, but then she saw the tree. I had turned most of the lights off so I could experience the tree. And Amelia has seen a couple of Christmas trees out and about and has really liked them. So, she completely stopped crying, said her version of "Christmas tree" and came down the rest of the stairs.She said "peety" for the first time without my saying it first. She was so happy, her eyes were shiny and she had such a beautiful soft smile as she carefully examined the decorations. It was really almost too perfect, like a made-for-tv-movie. (this picture is from this morning)

Carabeth, what a lovely experience for the two of you to share. It must have seemed like magic to Amelia...and to you. Now that you've written it down, you'll have it for always. Happy holidays!
There's nothing like Christmas with a toddler, is there? We finally put our tree up this weekend, and Max has been staring at it wide-eyed ever since.
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