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here he is...
He (unnamed as of yet) was born Sunday, Feb. 12 at 9:58 am. I had started having subtle contractions Sat. morning and by two in the afternoon, knew they were for real. I laboured at home till 2 am, then we went to the hospital. (a dear friend, who also made Amelia tis fantastic cape, stayed over with Amelia and looked after her on Sunday). At the hospital, I was only 3 cm dilated! I felt like I had done a bit more work than that... They kept us (second child, things could just pick up), and I slowly but surely progressed. The doctor who was on call, (my dr. shares on-call duties with a group) came into the hospital at 6 am and stuck around. At 9:15 am, my nurse (who I wasn't liking) went on her 45 min break, and my body took that opportunity. My water broke, I fiercely pushed and within a few minutes he was born. (no drugs throughout). That last pushing was like nothing I had ever expected. oh my!! I damaged my voice. I yelled, things like 'I can't do this', and 'get it out of me'. Lance wonders where in my yelling the air intake came, I kept up the yelling so long. I hope those rooms really are soundproof.
Way at the back of my mind, I knew once the head was out it'd be ok. And it was. I held him right away and uninterrupted for the next 45 minutes. He figured out the nursing right away, and now is better at it than Amelia was at three weeks. They let us go early because everything was looking so good, so we left the hospital just after 4 pm. And here we are, doing well, sleeping, eating, nursing, and taking care of a sore throat ( i went in with a cold, and the yelling did not help).
love you all!!
ps, 7lb 11oz or 3505 gramsand i can't remember length,
Tiny baby!
Congratulations - he looks beautiful from what I can see!
Can't wait til Friday!
Love to you all!
Congratulations!!! What a beautiful boy! Amelia looks like such a proud big sister. It's so nice that you could come home so quickly, much nicer to be at home. Enjoy your first days with your beautiful new family member!
He looks perfect, Carabeth: congratulations! I love the way Amelia is hovering protectively over the carseat. Welcome baby boy!
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