Friday, April 13, 2007


I made these little messenger bags a while ago for two birthday boys. I was quite pleased with the way they turned out, and I want to make more. First I have to do the dishes. And the laundry. And clean the bathroom. But once that is finally done, I will. they're nice because they're small enough that I can easily use all kinds of bits of fabric for the stripes and sides. I appliqued the stripes on these, and I won't do that again, especially not denim on denim...and I have to use something better than ribbon for the straps.

I put this whole post up because I noticed that you put me on your blog, Amanda, and I thought that I'd better do a little more posting than I have been! Thank you for the motivation.
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1 comment:

Amanda said...

I love these bags! And the stripes are so cool!

If you don't mind my asking details: how did you sew on the orange side panels? Did you take the brown and sew it around the orange on three sides? I tried something like this last fall, and was disappointed with my results. Yours looks much nicer!