Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Learning to cope

learning to cope, but not to save. I had typed up this long post, then Amelia started to cry so I went to get her back asleep and during the 10 minutes I was gone, the computer spontaneously restarted. Arrgh. ok, here is what I wrote (I wrote it on paper last night).

I've been feeling comfortable with my parenting skills. So far, learning to be a mother has been mostly a process of watching my interaction with Amelia, guiding her and playing with her.

However, learning to be a housewife has not been as easy as I'd've thought. Planning meals, doing dishes and laundry and cleaning all while guiding and playing with Amelia takes some doing. Recently, I've been having trouble when it came to our weekly grocery shop. I wouldn't know what to get, so we'd get what we thought we could use. This left me struggling during the week to think of what to make with what we had. And since I'm not big on leftovers, with a few exceptions, this was a daily experience. (an aside, I used to love to plan meals in my head during the day, 'til I got pregnant and couldn't think about food. I could still prepare it and eat it, just not think about it). The past two weeks, I've made menus and lists, and now I've made a master list. So now, even if I don't have time to plan the week ahead, I can take this list and be sure I'll get enough for the week. And I have about 10 basic meal ideas to choose from if I don't plan meals in a week. Yay!

I've also started doing little chores while Amelia bathes; tidying in the bathroom, or folding the laundry. I can do this without being more than 10 feet away and able to see and talk with her. I can get chores done while Amelia is awake and contained, and still interact with her. Win-win.

I know these are the little time-saving devices that people, mothers, have been doing for centuries, but ahh, I am pleased with myself!


Anonymous said...

i saw your link at the trixie update and have been watching amelia grow, she's so cute. that's a great idea about the master shopping list, i think i'll try writing one. i've been married for a little over a year and no babies yet, but i often think about how much things will change. thank you for giving me some insight.

Anonymous said...

A master shopping list is a brilliant idea! I have to get more organized about our food situation. I don't like to cook very much anymore--so much effort, so little time at the table!

And I feel the same way you do, so pleased with myself when I work something out that makes things easier and more pleasant for me and the kids. I wish I could think of something to share right now!