Saturday, June 11, 2005

Start over

I don't quite know what happened to me last week, yes I was a little busier, but others around me are doing much more, and yes Amelia's been teething, but mostly that's meant that I haven't cleaned or crafted as she's stayed awake much later than usual. Somehow, though, last week I just felt completely lost. I'm better yesterday and today though.

I went out, by myself for the first time in a long time (other than little trips to the library and whatnot). My friend K. invited me to a craft night with some of her friend. It was so nice! And contrary to what some people think, I didn't get stressed about leaving Amelia, I knew she would most likely be awake when I got home, but I just wasn't worried. (I know Lance takes good care of her, and that never worries me.) She'd been up till midnight for two nights already, and by the time I left she had already had 1/2 hour of sleep so I knew she'd be fine. As we were driving home, I was saying how I knew that I was always the one to be stressed by separation, not Amelia, and that I knew that she was able now to communicate her needs a bit better. Yeah, so. I got home, she was awake and happy. As expected. But, I found out that when she woke up, (15 minutes after I left) she cried for 20 minutes. I know she was fine with Daddy, but that he just couldn't nurse her. (I still nurse her to sleep and I think she just wanted a 'top-up', so to speak.) I felt much better after my night out, and I realize that I really should get out once in a while, even if I don't want to be away from Amelia.

I do want to write about the pictures I've posted, but not right now. Except to say that the one of her her with her eyes closed is her latest trick. We call it winking. Molli taught it to her first, and what she does is squint her eyes closed, a number of times in a row. A cross between a squint and an eye-flutter. Very cute, especially when she pairs it with her 'tough' face, (she scrunches up her lips and nose and eyebrows, we tried to get a picture of it altogether).

ok, more later, thank you and good night!

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