Sam and Amelia and toes

Sam, the neighbor cats' people are away for spring break, and although there are people staying there and feeding him, he's been over here quite a bit the past few days. these pictures are from yesterday morning. Lance let Sam in while Amelia and I were still sleeping, (because he couldn't go skiing on sunday due to the mudslide, he and P went yesterday). Sam was happy to be with people and was purring and kneading and headbutting and when Amelia woke up, she just lay there moving her head side to side watching him. Finally she sat up and followed him around the bed, ocasionally petting him. I published these two pictures because of her toes. I don't know if she was doing it on purpose or knew that those were Sam's toes she was so interested in, but as she watched him knead, she was flexing her little toes too.
We went over to family W's house this morning where there was lots of activity by our standards and Amelia had so much fun watching the older children wrestle and tickle and do whatever they were doing. she fell asleep on the five minute ride home, and is now sleeping and Sam is here again, sleeping about a foot away.
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