yeah for dirt!

It's another beautiful day on the West Coast, perfect for getting outside and mucking around in the dirt. I just love spending time with Amelia, watching her learn and explore. This morning she put her head through the step again (see below ) and Lance helped her/showed her how to get through by putting her leg up on the step and pulling her body through sideways (she's done this once before on the bottom step). He only did it once with her, but after he left, she went back and managed to get her leg up all by herself. I thought she wouldn't be quite tall enough yet, but she did it. She did need a bit of help for the rest, but I'm sure she'll get that quickly too.
She still hasn't discovered the joys of walking, she can do a few steps at a time, but I think she'd just rather get to her destination her way for now. Occasionally she's enjoyed walking with one or both of us holding her hands. I'm glad she's taking her time, going by her own schedule. Again, it's just fun to watch her figure it all out.
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