fun with babies

Now the fun begins, she's getting more and more interactive. She's making a lot more noises and stringing sound and noises into 'sentences'. Molli's here and they were playing with a little toy fire truck and molli made a WEEwooWEEwoo siren sound and Amelia imitated it perfectly. Awhile ago, Lance was playing with Amelia and pretended to pant like a dog, so now I've taught her to pant when I ask her "What does Daddy say?"
You'll notice that scratch on her chin? That was a couple of nights ago, she woke up and walked into the living room. This may not sound signifigant, but she's known how to climb down off the bed for months and often does in the morning, but she never does when she wakes up at night or from her nap. So down the hall she comes walking, after a little squawk which we hopefully ignored, looking as pleased as punch. I had already spent a long time trying to get her to sleep in the first place, so we let her stay up. she had fun walking all over the living room, but being tired she was clumsy and finally lost her balance and fell against our 'shoe shelf' (read:six boards leaning against the wall).
1 comment:
Reminds me, I need to buy Fruit Loops...
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