Things we have learned now that it's summer:
1) Sunscreen is a very effective at glueing dirt to ones' face.
2) shorts and concrete are a bad combination from a knees' point of view.
actually that's all for now, I'm sure there will be more. Amelia's also leaarning to say "up" and "bath", she'll sometimes say "bay-bee" and she just learning to turn her hands palm up to say "all done". she also has a certain "mmm" that means she wants what ever she's looking at, usually used for food, then we ask her if she wants more? more? and she nods "yes".
Now that is a beautiful photo!
How can it be summer-short-sleeves-flower season up where you are when it's still snowing in Arizona? Enjoy the warm weather, it seems that Amelia is doing that already. That's a beautiful picture you've taken, it seems a sure candidate for blow-up, printing, and framing!
Vancouver-Canada's tropics
I agree! That's a stunning photograph. Feel free to send me the original for my desktop. :)
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